Creative Ice Cream Cone Craft for Preschoolers
Great Ice Cream Cone Craft for Toddlers and Beyond
Do your kids love sweet treats? Then they are definitely going to enjoy making these fun ice cream cones.
My kids each choose to recreate their favorite ice cream flavor. We made several different varieties because every kid has multiple favorite ice cream flavors.
Have your kid pick out their favorite ice cream flavors, and let’s get started.

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Ice Cream Cone Project Details
Age Group: 2+ yrs
Difficulty: Super Easy
Time To Complete: 15 min
The time to complete this craft depends on multiple factors. If you cut out the pieces for your child, it will go much faster. However, I challenge you to let every kid cut out and decorate each cone independently.
This is a great opportunity for everyone to work on their cutting skills.
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Collect Supplies for Your Ice Cream Cone Craft
Use the supply list below to start collecting the items you will need for the paper plate ice cream activity for preschoolers. If you don’t have something on the list, simply find something to supplement it with.
Supply list:
- Paper plate
- Scissors
- Markers
- Glue
- Construction paper
- Sprinkles or other fun stuff to decorate your ice cream cone papercraft

Step 1: Trace your ice cream
Once you have collected your supplies above, grab a pencil and trace the ice cream on a paper plate. If you don’t have a paper plate on hand, feel free to use paper or other available supplies.
If you have older kids, let them trace out their own cones. We used the same shape for this rain cloud project as well.

Step 2: Cut out your ice cream cone
Now it’s time to cut out your ice cream and cone. For the cone, use a pencil and trace out a triangle on a piece of paper. Let your child pick out what color cone they would like to use.

Step 3: It’s time to decorate your ice cream craft
Once everything is cut out, it’s time to start coloring. You can choose to have your kids color with colored pencils, crayons, or markers or even paint their ice cream cones.
We went the easy route and just used crayons.
Feel free to add decorations or embellishments to each cone. We used real ice cream sprinkles, and my kids loved it.
We used a glue stick and then dumped the sprinkles and spread them around until they stuck. Then, dump off the excess.

Step 4: Glue your ice cream craft together
Lastly, it’s time to glue your ice cream cone together and enjoy your creation. Once your masterpiece is dry, display it around your home.
I love these fun, colorful clothespin magnets to hang crafts on our fridge and dishwasher!
I hope you have an absolute blast recreating this fun ice cream craft. Kids love ice cream, so I can promise this ice cream craft will be a hit!

Summary – Ice Cream Cone Craft For Preschoolers
Making an ice cream cone craft with kids is not only a fun and enjoyable summer activity, but it also provides numerous benefits for their development. This activity allows children to use their creativity and imagination as they choose their favorite colors and decorate their cones with different patterns and designs.
Additionally, it helps improve their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination as they use scissors to cut out the cone and glue to attach the decorations.
In summary, making an ice cream cone craft is a wonderful way to spend quality time with kids while also promoting their cognitive and social development. So, gather some colorful paper, glue, and scissors, and let the crafting fun begin!
If you enjoyed this ice cream craft, follow us on Pinterest for more kid’s craft ideas!

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